Nobuo Takase Shihan & Aikido Shinryukan would like to invite you to the 45th Anniversary Aikido Shinryukan International Gasshuku from the 5th to 8th March 2015
Shihan Nobuo Takase 7th Dan
Aikikai World Headquarters Representative for NZ
Shihan Yukimitsu Kobayashi 7th Dan
Aikikai World Headquarters Tokyo,
Shihan Toshiharu Sawada 7th Dan
Kimori Dojo-Cho, Nagoya,
Shihan Etsuji Horii 7th Dan
Aiokai, Kobe, Japan
Shihan Tony Smibert 7th Dan
Aiki-kai Australia President
Thursday 5th to Sunday 8th March 2015
St Peter’s College Gymnasium
23 Mountain Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023
(Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th March’15)
Shinryukan Hombu Dojo Auckland
16 Aberfoyle Street, Mt Eden, Auckland
(Thursday 5th & Friday 6th March’15)
Please see this page for training schedules, maps and more.
Gasshuku Fee
Shinryukan Members & Non Members NZD$280
All Overseas Attendees NZD$220
Single Day Fee (Members & Non Members) NZD$180 Sat 7th / NZD$150 Sun 8th
Please make all payments directly to:
ACCOUNT: Aikido Seminar
ACCOUNT No: 06-0103-0106043-00
Important * Please include your name on the remittance advice when making online payments.
* Please email a copy of the online receipt to as soon as possible.